Financial Literacy & Wellbeing for Medical Students & Residents/Fellows (Free)
January 14, 2019
Venue:Countway Library
10 Shattuck St Boston, MA 02115
Website:Not available
Description:***Registration for this event is now closed - if you would like to participate via webcast, you may go to http://mms.adobeconnect.com/medstudents/ by 6:25pm, and sign into the meeting as a "Guest". You will not need a password; however, please enter your full name. The system will ask to call you after you log in.*** FINANCIAL LITERACY & WELLBEING FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS & RESIDENTS Countway Library - Lahey Room (and via Webcast) Monday, January 14, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm – Dinner and Registration 6:30pm-7:30pm – Program Speaker Information: John W. Blute, Jr., MD Orthopaedic Surgeon, retired Concord Orthopedics, Inc. An accomplished physician and orthopedic surgeon, John W. Blute, Jr., MD maintained a successful private practice in Concord, MA and served as a member of the Emerson Hospital medical staff for more than three decades. As a member of the Emerson Hospital medical staff, Dr. Blute served in a variety of leadership capacities, including as a hospital trustee, and as a member of the IPA and PHO boards of directors. Dr. Blute earned his medical degree at the University of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington, VT and completed two years in general surgery at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, VA. Dr. Blute completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, as well as a post-residency training in hand surgery with the New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, MA.
Recently retired from full-time practice, Dr. Blute continues as a consultant for a local nursing home, is giving educational talks and teaching financial literacy in a local school and the UVM College of Medicine. Yolanda Paul Assistant Director of Financial Aid Harvard Medical School Yolanda Paul is the Assistant Director of Financial Aid at Harvard Medical School. She entered Financial Aid in 2001 with an extreme desire to counsel students. Since that time, she’s had the pleasure of working with students from various economic backgrounds with an array of concerns to financing their education. Throughout her 18 years in Higher Education, she has worked with students in many capacities. In addition to financial aid, she has served as Director of Career Development, Student Disability Coordinator and Registrar Research Intern. Her experience in different aspects of higher education enables her to take a holistic approach to understanding students and their educational debt.
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